J.D. Gibbs Memorial Service from Joe Gibbs Racing on Vimeo.
The Gibbs family requests support for an important campaign that has been established in honor of J.D. and his passion for the Young Life Ministry, for which he served as a member of the National Board. Please read J.D.'s Young Life story and consider giving to the J.D. Gibbs Legacy Fund.

So many things in life make no sense, yet there is no Biblical mandate or cosmic law to indicate that they should. Bad things happen and still God is good and loves us and has a good plan for our lives. Somehow those things fit together. We are not entitled to an explanation nor do we always come to a place of peace with our trials and tribulations. But make no mistake, they are purposeful and do work together for our good. That is a promise we can cling to. Click here to read the full bio.